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강좌 개요

  • 타입 MOOC 강좌
  • 기간 2019.04.01 ~ 2019.07.31 17주 3일
  • 학습시간 자유롭게 학습
  • 수강 승인 방식 자동 승인
  • 수료증 온라인 발급

강좌 기간이 종료되어 더이상 수강할 수 없습니다.

좋아요 65 수강생 1884

교수자 소개

  • 이상성 교수

    Bonn University 천문학 박사
    한국천문연구원 책임연구원 
    UST 한국천문연구원캠퍼스 전공책임교수

  • 권우진 교수

    University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 천문학 박사
    한국천문연구원 선임연구원
    UST 한국천문연구원캠퍼스 부교수

  • 김상철 교수

    서울대학교 천문학 박사
    한국천문연구원 선임연구원
    UST 한국천문연구원캠퍼스 부교수

  • 송용선 교수

    University of California, Davis 물리학 박사
    한국천문연구원 책임연구원
    UST 한국천문연구원캠퍼스 부교수


  1. 01. Interstellar Medium
    1. 1. Astronomical scales and observations
    1. 01-1. Quiz
    1. 2. Introduction to Interstellar medium
    1. 01-2. Quiz
    1. 3. Dust and radiative transfer
    1. 01-3. Quiz
  2. 02. Molecular Clouds
    1. 1. Line radiation
    1. 02-1. Quiz
    1. 2. Interstellar medium: gas and observations
    1. 02-2. Quiz
    1. 3. Molecular clouds: overview and observations
    1. 02-3. Quiz
  3. 03. Molecular Clouds to Protostars
    1. 1. Molecular clouds to protostars: physical parameters
    1. 03-1. Quiz
    1. 2. Turbulence and magnetic fields of ISM
    1. 03-2. Quiz
    1. 3. Molecular clouds to protostars
    1. 03-3. Quiz
  4. 04. Protostars and Planets
    1. 1. (Low mass) young stellar objects I: evolutionary stages
    1. 04-1. Quiz
    1. 2. (Low mass) young stellar objects II: discussions of physical properties
    1. 04-2. Quiz
    1. 3. Multiple star formation and massive star formation
    1. 04-3. Quiz
  5. 05. Stars: The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
    1. 1. Two-dimensional distribution of stellar parameters
    1. 05-1. Quiz
    1. 2. Distances and Magnitudes
    1. 05-2. Quiz
    1. 3. Magnitudes
    1. 05-3. Quiz
    1. 4. The Classification of Stellar Spectra
    1. 05-4. Quiz
  6. 06. The Evolution of Stars
    1. 1. Energy Generation
    1. 06-1. Quiz
    1. 2. Stellar Evolution
    1. 06-2. Quiz
    1. 3. Post-Main-Sequence Evolution
    1. 06-3. Quiz
  7. 07. Star Deaths
    1. 1. Final Stage of Stellar Evolution
    1. 07-1. Quiz
    1. 2. Supernova Explosion
    1. 07-2. Quiz
    1. 3. White Dwarfs, Neutron Stars, and Black Holes
    1. 07-3. Quiz
  8. 08. The Milky Way Galaxy
    1. 1. The Morphology of the Galaxy
    1. 08-1. Quiz
    1. 2. Stellar Populations
    1. 08-2. Quiz
    1. 3. Star Clusters and the HR Diagram
    1. 08-3. Quiz
  9. 09. Galaxies beyond the Milky Way
    1. 1. External Galaxies
    1. 2. Irregular Galaxies
    1. 09-1. Quiz
    1. 3. Multiwavelength Observations
    1. 09-2. Quiz
    1. 4. Normal Galaxies
    1. 09-3. Quiz
  10. 10. Hubble’s Law and Distance Scale
    1. 1. Galaxy Clusters
    1. 10-1. Quiz
    1. 2. Hubble’s Law
    1. 10-2. Quiz
    1. 3. Distance Scale
    1. 10-3. Quiz
  11. 11. Active Galaxies
    1. 1. Radiation Mechanisms
    1. 11-1. Quiz
    1. 2. Active Galactic Nuclei
    1. 11-2. Quiz
    1. 3. Astrophysical Jets
    1. 11-3. Quiz
  12. 12. Theory of relativity and universe evolution
    1. 1. Theory of Relativity
    1. 2. Expanding Universe
    1. 3. Space Origin Controversy
  13. 13. Evolution of the expanding universe
    1. 1. Expanding Universe and Energy 1
    1. 2. Expanding Universe and Energy 2
    1. 3. Standard candle
  14. 14. Start and evolution of large scale structure of the universe
    1. 1. Copy space background
    1. 2. The big bang theory
    1. 3. Space initial inflation