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강좌 개요

  • 타입 MOOC 강좌
  • 기간 상시 수강
  • 학습시간 자유롭게 학습
  • 수강 승인 방식 자동 승인
  • 수료증 미발급
좋아요 7 수강생 94

교수자 소개

  • Jina Kang

    Cloud Solution Architect

  • Minhyung Kim

    Cloud Solution Architect


  1. NAVER CLOUD PLATFORM Essential Hands-on(In English)
    1. Chapter 1. Naver Cloud Platform Introduction and Product Composition
    1. Chapter 2. Introduction of VPC service and Compute service.
    1. Chatper 3. Compute Operation(Server image, snapshot, init script etc)
    1. Chapter 4. (Demo) Create a server and add a server with my server image.
    1. Chapter 5. Network service introduction
    1. Chapter 6. (Demo) Load Balancer and Auto-scaling Service Configuration
    1. Chapter 7. Introduction of storage service
    1. Chapter 8. (Demo) Using object storage
    1. Chapter 9. Introducing the database services
    1. Chapter 10. (Demo) Creating and connecting databases.
    1. Chapter 11. Introduction of Management Service
    1. Chapter 12. (Demo) Setting Cloud Insight
    1. Chapter 13. Introduction to Global and Security Services